Logo de Monsieur David.

vous emmène

Semaine 52

C'est du temps de dire adieu à 2023 et de saluer 2024. Voici quelques dernières photographies de 2023.

Je suis sérieux, dit le champignon.

Vieux bâtiments
Une balade avec Martin et Carotte

Crow, crow, crow

Elbe river filled with water
at 4 meters height

Alter Fähranleger nach Wittenberge

Nedwighafen Wittenberge

Beim alten Speicher bei der Öhlmühle

Alter Fähranleger nach Warenberg
FFH Gebiet

Semaine 48

La Photo

La Photo

La Photo

Semaine 43

In the News
Dog bites

recently in the news, it was reported that a woman had walked her dog along a street and came across a person with a child that she knew. The child had addressed the dog and got bitten in the face.

Here are the thoughs that popped up.

There's certainly a lot that has gone down the wrong pathway and it is a pitty that children make painful experiences with dogs that impairs a lively realtionship with dogs. Reward-based training of dogs and a mindful approach can help improve our relationships with dogs.


A place that is worth visiting every time is Krumke. There's always something to discover, something to enjoy.

Bridge to the manor. Click me.
Former orangerie.
Alley up to the orangerie

Dog cemetery
When a life ends

These dogs are supposed to sleep here forever
Gravestone of the dogs that rest here.

When the night falls lightly like a blanket


What used to be outside the city a long time ago, is now a worthwhile site to visit.

Krähenfuss, Elbe

More details about the Krähenfuss reserve are made available at BfN, Bundesamt für Naturschutz , and at the state of Brandenburg website, Landesamt für Umwelt , including a few maps.


S. has been improving incredibly well at tracking my scent down to where the dummy is awaiting him. It's a means of giving him a job to do stimulating his senses and mind that can be well fitted into day to day life. That's why I like it dearly. S. seems to enjoy the chunk of cucumber he is rewarded.

Semaine 40

Histoire RDA
Former military area and aerport Perleberg

I'd been curious to go explore that area for a while, so it was time to do it. The information I could obtain suggest that the origin of this area started around WWI as a military aerport, between 1910 and 1920, and in accordance to the Versailles agreement, it shut its doors until the 30s under Hitler when it was reactivated for military, airforce purpose. After WWII, it was used by the Svoviet armed forces, as a training and educational facility mainly, not only to train pilots, but also for ground forces. After the wall fell in 1990, not much was done. Located near the GDR border during cold war times, Perleberg and the nearby surroundings were closed to the civil people, I learnt from old people. Military activity was high, it seems.

Today's purpose Aeroclub
The former fire-brigade? Click me.

What made me think that this could be the old fire station was the tower at the back that could allow to hang up and dry hoses. I found documents on the Internet suggesting that the fuelling used to take place in the vicinity of this building - which could support my thought.

Flighttower facility
Click me.
where moles live?
Old hangar

That is a beautifully built building, with tiles on the ceiling and brickstone towers to the sides.

Click me.
I enjoyed the sight of this technical aspect.
Staircase in the towers.
Remains of a long cultural history
Much of the infrastructure has gone.

Semaine 39,Vendrendi

Some park

Looking down, click.

Random constructions
along federal road west of Wittenberge

where the new autobahn is set to be built, we came across some old constructions - one is supposed to be an old bycicle garage, the other one could be an old bus station.

Hello, old bus station?
Is that an old bycicle garade?


Noble Park at Seehausen

Herb garden, former Orangerie - klick on me.

Elbe Bridge

Safari Jungle

Semaine 37, Mardi

Old military building
Festung Dömitz

I set off to visit Festung Dömitz, a very old military installation. Conveniently, I used the opportunity for a visit to Gorleben, a site of the anti-nuclear movement and heavy clashes between the government, its law enforcement and the activists.

heavy walls facing north
some church hides behind the green
what a huge door
what a look
Former Dömitz Brücke, now out of service

No means no
Gorleben Salzstock und Zwischenlager

While this appeared to me as an happy place at first glance, the exhibition makes clear that this is also a place of pain, despair and violence, where people stood their ground and said no, and where law enforcement showed its fierce side.

Road to apocalypse? Thanks to activists, no nuce waste is stored here as of now
some structures hint to the tunnels underneath
neearby site that must contain some waste
A boat indicates the nearby installation
a map details the site
what former camps might have looked like
imagery allow a glimpse into the goings-on back then
condensed story of the site and the movement

Semaine 37, Dimanche

Une excursion interéssante et l'automne un peu chaud. C'est ce qui passe à part de cela, vois ici.

Journée du patrimoine
Quelques photographies

L'histoire de Wittenberge
Le musée ferroviaire et des locotmotive

La galerie derrière le garage de locomotive
Carte géograpique qui montre la RDA
Vue sur l'ancien dépôt, aujourd'hui musée
Fenêtre vers dehors
Devant un vieux locomotive impressionant
Des roues en fer

L'histoire de Wittenberge
La porte de la ville Steintor

La porte de la ville de Wittenberge, Steintor
Carte géographique historique de Wittenberge
Terrain de l'ancienne région de Prignitz
Vue sur l'ancienne ville de Wittenberge
Vue sur l'ancienne ville de Wittenberge
L'Orignine du nom Wittenberge
Vue sur l'ancienne ville de Wittenberge

Le long de l'Elbe
Quelques photographies

Quelques photographies

Semaine 30, Vendredi

I don't feel like writing recently; unlike my young days where I used to feel like blurting out more often. I didn't shoot many photographs either, so I really don't have to share much at this moment.

Semaine 21, Mercredi

Il existe trois catégorie: moral / immoral; nécessaire / pas nécessaire; légal / illégal. Pas tout légal n'est automatiquement moral ou nécessaire; et pas tout moral n'est à la fois légal. Et enfin, pas tout nécessaire n'est moral ou légal en même temps, pas automatiquement. Ça fait la vie compliqué et on peut pas généralement demander de respecter la loi, car il y a des instant òu c'est immoral, òu c'est nécessaire d'en sortir.

Semaine 21, Mardi
